Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A wild one

 Turns out this little bike would be the MVP of the trip. We drove 4 hours to east fort rock (china hat) for the annual SFRC shoe mafia camp out.
 Travis getting some
 Yours truly making some dust
 Travis going fatty to flatty
 Joe Dirt made an appearance this weekend

 Chug a brew rock, a place where everyone rides out to and has some brewski's and let loose
 Travis getting the crowd going

 Dumb and dumber
 Trav getting some on the Sl 125.  We popped the tire out here and lost all brakes .

 Joe Dirt
 At this point the SL has a flat front tire and no brakes but bjorn had no problem jumping the fire.

 Trav and I left camp and headed out to christmas valley sand dune's

 It was really windy, bike blew over but stopped on my helmet
 Then we took out the small bikes which was so fun, The Sl 125 with a popped front tire really handled well in the sand

The SL still running strong in the hot dessert
We ended up riding around the dunes through the night but none of the photo's turned out.

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